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Researches and Suggestions of Overseas Study on Children’s Creativity Development and Its Influence Factors

Cheng Li1, Cheng Xia1,Zhang Rui2

(1Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875)

(2Beijing Normal University Kindergarten, Beijing, 100875)

【Abstract】Creativity is a type of ability to produce anything original and appropriate. Results of research on children’s creativity development and its influence factors can provide theoretical bases for cultivating children’s creativity. Results of several overseas researches find that 3-5 years is the critical period of individual development; parents and kindergartens should take this opportunity to promote the development of children’s creativity by creating proper environment; the development of children’s creativity is the result of integrating with the environment and it is influenced by many factors, one of which is family; parents’ good educating methods are helpful to children’s creativity; there is a positive correlation between expectation from mothers and children’s independence and development of divergent thinking; teachers’ democratic management style and reasonable expectation are helpful to the exploration of children’s potential for creativity; and social factors also have important influence on the development of children’s creativity.

【Keywords】children; creativity development; influence factors

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