is the core of a healthy personality. If a person lacks self-confidence, he will neither be successful in studies, nor in life, because he will not feel happy in daily living. The Chinese system of education happens to neglect to cultivate self-confidence in our students.In the kindergarten, children always obtain a lot of praise and encouragement. However, once they are admitted to primary school, adults, as if putting on a different pair of colored glasses, suddenly expect children to behave perfectly all the time. Once they make even a minor mistake, the children are chided, sometimes harshly.

In the traditional idea of education, punishment has always taken up an important position. Though the mistakes made by some students are minor, some teachers often attempt to educate them by the simple means of confrontation and criticism, rather than correction Ñ, directing them towards the positive aspects and showing them the proper way to arrive at the right conclusion. This kind of educational method may bring about serious damage to the psyche of the students, for they may e to see themselves as incapable of learning.
Zheng Richang, a professor at the Psychology School of Beijing Teachers’ University, thinks that adults usually have expectations that run too high for most children, while also exerting contradictory pressures on the children by being both overly protective and overly strict in their controls. Sometimes, overwhelming negative appraisals from the adults will also exercise negative influences on the self-appraisals of the children and hurt their self-esteem and self-confidence, making the children timid and less inclined to risk the failures that normally result from creativity.
In addition, the children sometimes bee fierce and malicious or hostile towards others in their families, in their classrooms and in society, exhibiting an aggressive and destructive character. The most prominent psychological problems of children are caused by their difficulties in studies and their own character. Students that have difficulties in study are often chided by their teachers and parents, and sometimes are even regarded as inept and retarded children. Such outside criticisms may lead to a lack of confidence, hurt the self-esteem of the children, and gradually will make their character bee cowardly and timid.
Zhao Kun, a teacher at the Primary School affiliated with Shandong Teachers’ University, says: “For a child to be self-abased or self-confident, directly exerts a tremendous influence on his attitude towards life and either restrains or enhances his self-development as an individual person. Parents and teachers should be good at discovering children’s merits and praise them accordingly. Praise appropriately and consistently given will gradually lead to increased self-confidence in children.”
In recent years, adversities have frequently happened in schools. In the eyes of adults, some defeats and attacks may mean almost nothing, however, the perception by the pupils themselves might be quite different, for the treatment they receive from parents and teachers always has a heavy impact on the psychology of the students. A word that means nothing to adults sometimes will sow hostile seeds in the heart of students, and these seeds will grow until they finally bring about strained personnel relationships.
素质教育 期刊