[摘 要] 大数据是继云计算、物联网之后IT产业又一次颠覆性的技术革命,大数据挖掘和应用可创造出超万亿美元的价值.大数据时代的来临对文献服务也提出了更高的要求.本文从科技文献服务面临的困境、大数据时代的机遇与挑战、科技文献服务转型与升级三个方面来阐述.
[关 键 词 ] 大数据,科技文献,服务,信息化,平台构建
[中图分类号] G203 [文献标识码] A 文章编号:1671-0037(2015)01-74-4
Development Methods Analysis of Scientific and Technological Literature Service in Big Data Era
Zhang Hongfeng Zhang Min Duan Lian
(Henan Provincial Institute of Scientific and Technical Information,Zhengzhou Henan 450003)
Abstract:Big data is a disruptive technology revolution after the cloud puting and Inter of things in IT industry. The exploitation and application of big data can create a value of super trillion dollars. The ing of big data era also puts forward higher requirements on literature service. This article interprets from three perspectives of difficulties faced by scientific and technological literature service, opportunities and challenges in big data era, and the transformation and upgrading of scientific and technological literature service.
Keywords:big data,scientific and technological literature,service,informatization,platform construction