摘 要:《第十二夜》是莎士比亚创作的最后一部喜剧,剧中情节安排巧妙,表现手法丰富,是一部不朽名作,受世人尊崇.本文重点研究剧中一个小人物――小丑费边,分析其在剧中所起的重要作用:他是重要仆人、得力助手,用幽默风趣的语言为王公贵族出谋划策,排解忧愁;他大智若愚,在尊卑分明的上流社会中挣得一席之地;面对差强人意的生活,他选择乐观的态度,处之泰然;此外,此角色还起着线索的作用,贯穿全文,是作者与读者交流的枢纽.
关 键 词 :Shakespeare, Feste, wisdom, optimism
作者简介:武子琪,女(1990.9-),山西原平人,学历:本科 研究方向:英美文学、文化,语言学.
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A [文章编号]:1002-2139(2011)-17-0013-01
Twelfth Night is the last edy written by Shakespeare, drawing a close to his ic creation and standing out as a milestone among his plentiful works. As you are soaked in the principal melody of the love song, your eyesight will definitely be drawn towards a “minor” character, a clown named Feste, who owns an inparable significance.
Both in ancient east and west, clowns are kept in imperial palaces by authority, for use of entertaining and running errands. Feste is more than an entertainer but aslo a mentator who can cause other’s reflection on their deeds. He is the only one distinguished to express one’s opinions straightforwardly.
有关论文范文主题研究: | 关于英美文学的论文范本 | 大学生适用: | 自考毕业论文、函授毕业论文 |
相关参考文献下载数量: | 75 | 写作解决问题: | 本科论文怎么写 |
毕业论文开题报告: | 论文提纲、论文前言 | 职称论文适用: | 职称评定、职称评副高 |
所属大学生专业类别: | 本科论文怎么写 | 论文题目推荐度: | 优质选题 |
Equipped with an aptitude accurately sizing up situation, Feste is a genius with knack for punning, word play, and witty repartee. Even though Feste is a "fool," he's the “wisest cat in Illyria”. His hiding wisdom and disguised with little intelligence, precisely accords with our Chinese value concepts. We respect some modest sages, for they give guidance in tactful ways, whish can avoid them from embarrassment. In turn, the sages win more gratitude and appreciation. That’s why Feste is able to be favored by every character.
There is no doubt that Feste belongs to the lowest layer of the society. In this edy, we can frequently encounter such revelation of his inferior rank. Instead of plaining the unfair destiny, he chooses to adopt an optimistic attitude and accept his fate unperturbedly. He fulfills his duties and gets deserved awards, He’d like to talk to everyone and enjoyed himself during the conversation, He seizes appropriate time to revel with pure happiness. He tells us, only when you abandon excessive desires can you hold the key to happiness.
Feste also acts as a transitional role in the drama. He criticizes, manipulates and entertains other characters while causing them to reflect on their behaviors, which is similar to the way Shakespeare interacts with his audience, breaking down the barrier between the audience and the characters on stage.
In conclusion, even such a minor character is able to shine through the whole play like a dazzling pearl decorated on a necklace. The figure reminds us, when reading literary works, we should never let go of trivial things, which possibly can be dug out much importance.
1. 威廉莎士比亚著,朱生豪译《第十二夜》云南人民出版社,2009.07.
3. 严谨,《丑角角色与智慧的凸