
时间:2020-07-05 作者:admin


【摘 要 】 目的 探讨血细胞形态学信息编码标准化在数字化教学中的意义.方法 采用通用的Client/Server模型,采用TCP/IP协议进行通信,利用Borland Delphi 7的Socket编程实现网络通信.创建血细胞形态学编码系统,便于信息的交换和共享.结果 提高各教学医院/院校血细胞形态学教学系统之间信息共享的程度,对以后的血细胞形态学教育系统联网、远程教育等有显著的意义.结论 创建血细胞形态学编码系统,能将血细胞形态学抽象的内容形象化、微观的事物宏观化、复杂的事物简约化,血细胞形态下教学适应现代科学迅猛发展的需要.

【关 键 词 】血细胞形态学;信息编码;标准化;数字化

Blood cell morphology of information encoding standardization in the teaching of digital applications

ZHONG Xiao-fen,ZHENG Ding-rong.Author unit:518102 Shenzhen Xixiang People hospitals

【Abstract】 Objective To study the blood cell morphology of information encoding standardization in the teaching of digital significance.Methods Adopt the universal client/Server model, adopt TCP/IP agreement to municate, utilize the Borland Delphic 7’s Socket programme to realize inter work munication.Establish blood cell morphology coding system in order to exchange and share information.Results Improve each teaching hospital/academy the degree of information sharing between the blood cell morphology teaching system, which has a remarkable meaning on educational system working, long-distance education and so on.

【Key words】Blood cell morphology,Information encoding,Standardization,Digitalization


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