【摘 要 】随着多媒体技术及网络计算机技术的快速发展,flash动画便捷高效的优势使其逐渐在动画领域拥有了一席之地,该形式的应用也越来越广泛.本文从flash动画短片制作的三个流程,即前期创作阶段、中期制作阶段以及后期测试导出阶段进行深入剖析与研究.
【关 键 词 】flash;动画;创作
Abstract:With the rapid development of multimedia technology and work puter technology,the characteristics like convenience and efficiency enable flash animation to gradually have a place in the field of animation,and it enjoys growing popularity widely.This article probes into three processes of creating the flash animation,namely the pre-production stage,the mid- production stage and post-production stage for test and derivation.
Key word:flash;animation;creation