【摘 要】作者主要对重庆大学计算机辅助语言教学专家陈毅萍教授的课程进行概述.作者主要从三个方面来讨论:第一,计算机辅助语言教学软件的评价标准;第二,利用计算机辅助语言教学的教师人员所必备的技能;第三,该课程学习中的不足以及改进的策略.
【关 键 词 】计算机辅助语言教学;评判标准;学习软件;软件技能
Review of the Course of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
SHI Ming-ming
(Foreign Language School of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chong Qing, 401331)
【Abstract】 The Author here mainly summarizes the content of the course delivered by Chen Yiping, a professor of Chongqing University in CALL study. The author mainly talks about the criteria of Computer software assessment, the language learning oriented software making, and the limitations of CALL learning in this class
【Key words】CALL; criteria; language learning software; software skill
I Introduction
As we all know that CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is a quite a new field with a short history, which bine the theory of applied linguistics and modern puter technology for the convenience and efficiency of the second language learning and teaching [1]. So we say CALL is one type of realization of the theory in our practical use, especially in second language learning and teaching. In this semester, we have learned a lot about CALL. After the discussion of our group, here we just want to deliver a short review of what we have learned and what we still need to learn in the future about CALL.
II Criteria of language learning oriented software assessment
After this course, the most important thing we have learned is that how the puter aids our second language learning and teaching [2], for example, puter can be a tutor, tutee, tool, etc. in our language study. But no matter what role the puter can play in our language study, the first and foremost thing we should know is how to evaluate the software before we buy it, which is very important for the language learners and teachers, because this software will decide whether and to what extent the learners can improve their English ability and the teachers better their classes [3]. So to choose the proper software appears so important, and thus we need some criteria to evaluate the software according to our purpose and the targeted learners’ ability.
有关论文范文主题研究: | 关于语言的论文范文数据库 | 大学生适用: | 研究生论文、学术论文 |
相关参考文献下载数量: | 95 | 写作解决问题: | 毕业论文怎么写 |
毕业论文开题报告: | 论文提纲、论文设计 | 职称论文适用: | 期刊目录、高级职称 |
所属大学生专业类别: | 毕业论文怎么写 | 论文题目推荐度: | 免费选题 |
During our CALL study, we have learned so many criteria related to software evaluation, for example, content criterion which focuses on whether the materials designed in the software a

该文来源 http://www.sxsky.net/jisuanji/txcl/411824.html
III the necessities of a would be CALL teacher
As CALL students, we know that it is not enough to only have some theory, but also we should know how to apply the theory into our practical use. We should have some skills to design and make our own software catering to the need of our students. After get the M.A., most of us will be teachers. As teachers, we know better about our students’ ability in English, so in order to elevate their English to a higher level effectively, we should design some software to improve their English. Luckily, we really learn some software design skills in our CALL classes, for example, how to design the excises with the free available web, and how to design our own web with the FrontPage [9], and etc. Most of these resources and skills we didn’t have before, but they are really very useful for our would-be teachers in the modern society [10]. With these materials and skills we can better our further research in CALL and our teaching in school.
IV Conclusion of the CALL course
Though we really get a lot from this semester’s study of CALL, it still far from enough. What we have learned is just a corner of the iceberg, so what’s a pity we have so limited CALL classes, within the short time, we can’t have a deep understanding of CALL, we hope our classes can be extended. Due to many limitations [11], we have to just stop here about our classes study, but with the theories and methodologies we have gotten from Miss Chen, we can continue our study by ourselves. We should fully use the materials of the library and the puter to further our study in CALL in order to know more about the theories and skills to broaden our horizon so that we won’t be deleted by the rapid developing society. 【References】
[1]Abraham, R. & Liou, H-C. (1991)Interaction generated by three puter programs: analysis of functions of spoken language. InP. Dunkel (ed.), Computer-assisted language learning and testing: research issues and practice (pp. 85–109). New York: Newbury House.
[2] Delcloque, P. (ed.) (2000) A history of puter-assisted language learning web exhibition Available: http://historyofcall.tay.ac.uk/
[3]Ahmad, K., Corbett, G., Rogers, M.,& Sussex, R. (1985) Computers, language learning, and language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Aist, G. (1999) Speech recognition
[4 ] Kern, R. & Warschauer, M. (2000)Introduction: theory and practice of worked-based language teaching. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (eds.),Network-based language teaching: concepts and practice (pp. 1–19). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5] Belz, J. (2002) Social dimensions of tele collaborative foreign language learning. Language Learning and Technology, 6, 60–81.
[6] Bickerton, D. (1999) Authoring and the academic linguist: the challenge of multimedia CALL. In K. Cameron (ed.), CALL: media, design and applications (pp. 59–79). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
[7] Toyoda, E. & Harrison, R. (2002)Categorization of text chat munication between learners and native speakers of Japanese. Language Learning and Technology, 6, 82–99..
[8] Biesenbach-Lucas, S. & Weasenforth, D. (2001) E-mail and word processing in the ESL classroom: how the medium affects the message. Language Learning and Technology,