Abstract: Inter-language fossilization is an important factor that influences and constraints the second language learners’ acquisition. Learner factors play a decisive role in formation of fossilization. The paper discussed the learner factors which caused the fossilization from the aspects of biology, cognition , psychology and intended to inspire the second language teaching.
Key words: Inter-language fossilization, learners, biology, cognition, psychology
Inter-language is an important concept in the second language acquisition. It is the type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language. “Inter” means between the beginning stage and the final stage. Selinker postulated the fossilization is the most distinctive and important feature of inter-language. It is a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features bee a permanent part of the ways a person speaks or writes a language. Inter-language fossilization is a kind of stagnant state the second language learners encounter in their process of language leaning before their level can reach that of the native speakers. The environmental and internal factors are called learner factors. This article will discuss the learner factors which caused the fossilization from the aspects of biology, cognition and psychology.
该文来源 http://www.sxsky.net/yanjiushenglunwen/449940.html
(二)Learner Factors Causing the Inter-language Fossilization.
1.Biological Factors.
Lenneberg has proposed the critical period hypothesis of language acquisition. He believes that a period of time exists in the language acquisition process and language acquisition is very easy due to the role of physiological factors during this period. The nervous system which involves the functions of language prehension and development will concentrate to the left side of the brain with the age growing. The physiological functions which involve the language functions will make the language learning difficult and result in fossilization.
2.Cognitive Factors.
Language learning is a cognitive behavior and follows the mon human cognitive laws. Anderson classified the knowledge into two types: declarative knowledge (knowledge of the facts) and procedural knowledge (how to do). Anderson thinks that the declarative knowledge are acquired mainly by memorizing, procedural knowledge are acquired in three stages: declarative stage, the connective stage and automatic stage.Krashen cited the five factors which may cause the fossilization during the cognitive process of second language acquisition: lack of input of the target language,low quality of the target language input, affective filters , output filters of the target language and the acquisition of variation form of target language. Based on the inter-language research, Krashen put forward the "prehensible input hypothesis" that is "i +1" theory. He thinks that if the prehensible input exists in the utterance which learners contact with, the language acquisition will occur. The language learning progress depends on the prehensible input which is a little higher than the contemporary language understanding level, otherwise the fossilization will occur.
有关论文范文主题研究: | 副教授类论文范文 | 大学生适用: | 学年论文、硕士毕业论文 |
相关参考文献下载数量: | 81 | 写作解决问题: | 写作资料 |
毕业论文开题报告: | 标准论文格式、论文结论 | 职称论文适用: | 杂志投稿、初级职称 |
所属大学生专业类别: | 写作资料 | 论文题目推荐度: | 最新题目 |
3.Psychological Factors.
The second or foreign language learning and mother language learning is built on the basis of various psychology, that is to say, the second language and mother tongue have different mechanisms for the acquisition and these two different mechanisms lead to different language system.
Vygotsky believes that the fossilization is the automated or mechanized psychological process. Washburn put the learners into the dialogue or language exchange environment with Vygotsky ’s concept of "zone of proximal development" to analyze his using language, with this a certain learner or a certain language can be analyzed to be fossilized or in the statement of development. The part which is not changed is the fossilized part. Slobin proposed “thinking for speaking” to explain the transfer from the psychological perspective to cause the native language transfer. “Thinking for speaking” system of native language can not be fully revoked when it has bee mature. When learning a second language learners always use the mastered native language’s “thinking for speaking” system to conceptualize the second language system, leading to the occurrence of fossilization.
The inter-language fossilization is a more plex study in the researches relevant to the inter-language. The researchers can explore the emergence and development of laws of the inter-language fossilization to overe or prevent the occurrence of fossilization, and gradually improve the learner's inter-language from the perspective of biology, cognition and psychology, which can be helpful to the second language teaching.
[1]Han Zhaohong. Fossilization in