[摘 要 ]英语现已成为当今世界交流的重要手段,尤其在国际交流和贸易中起到桥梁与纽带的作用.因此,学生在英语课堂获得的知识,对其走向社会,继续深造起到关键作用.但是,当前大学公共英语教学的现状却不容乐观,存在颇多问题.为了扭转高投入、低产出的不良局面,必须对大学公共英语教学进行思考.
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[关 键 词 ]大学公共英语教学问题思考
[Abstact] English has bee an important means of world munication,especially acts as a link and bridge between international exchange and trade.Therefore,the knowledge learned in English class will play a essential role in society and further study. But the condition now in Public English Teaching is not optimistic because of so many problems.It’s necessary to have reflections on Public English Teaching in order to change the situation of high input and low output.
[Key Words]Public Engli