
时间:2020-07-05 作者:admin





Beijing Hongyitang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is focus on the characteristics and advantages of TCM since it inception, offer a platform for academic teams and specialists. After years of development, set up a number of specialized departments and research center with the characteristics and advantages of TCM. Each specialized department is guidance by academic leader in clinical, research and teaching activities on TCM. The specialized department including:Hepatobiliary, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, Andrology, Dermatology, Nephropathy, Diabetes, Rheumatic and Immunological, Herbal Paste, Oncology, and three centers of Ophthalmology, Traditional Chinese Therapies and Gynecology Research. We provide a full range of TCM specialty care.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于学科带头人的论文范文资料 大学生适用: 电大论文、在职研究生论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 76 写作解决问题: 如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文设计 职称论文适用: 论文发表、中级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 如何写 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题

肿瘤专科 Oncology Department



Department of Oncology is led by Prof. Wang Pei, the Grand Master of Chinese Medicine, and other authority oncologists, such us Prof. Jin Jingyu, Prof. Li Yinglin, Prof. Zhang Shiyun, Prof. Guan Tianyun, Prof. Rao Xieqing, Prof. Ye Peizhi, Prof. Ze Jun, Prof. Lu Wenping to serve the public. The treatment model is “Reduce the toxic of chemotherapy, Chinese medicine to kill cancer cell” Stand for pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica bine with syndrome differentiation and treatment of TCM, modern medicine, TCM immunosuppressive therapy, toxic or other antitumor Chinese medicine and integrative medicine in oncology, can be used in clinical.

The Department serves to treat glioma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatic carcinoma, gallbladder carcinoma, rectal cancer, breast cancer, lymph cancer, ovarian cancer, bone cancer, leukemia and other type of cancer. Early detection and early diagnosis of oncology is very important at first, mid-stage for strategies to control cancer, improve chemotherapy cure effect, reduce toxic and side effect, improve life quality and extend survival period in last-stage.

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膏方门诊 Herbal Paste Department

膏方是在大型复方的基础上,根据每人的不同体质需求、不同的疾病,透过辨证论治而确立单一的个性化处方,经特殊加工而制成的稠厚的膏状内服中药制剂.具有综合调理作用,因滋补性强,药物浓度高,疗效显着, 体积小,药物稳定,且服用时无需煎煮,口感好,便于携带,深受广大患者喜爱.


Paste formulation is based on plex prescription, depends on bo

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