
时间:2020-07-05 作者:admin


摘 要 课程观的历史演进经历了三个基本阶段:知识主义课程观、经验主义课程观、批判主义课程观.从其历史演进中,可以看出,课程观的转向实质是指向学生的发展,面向完整的人及其完整的生活.本文从对课程观的历史考究着手,试图确立一种以学生发展为旨趣的、开放与生成的、走向生活的课程观,并从课程目标、课程内容(资源)、学习活动方式以及课程评价四个方面具体阐述.

关 键 词 课程观 课程目标 课程内容 学习活动

中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:A

The Course Views to take Students' Development as Purport

Abstract The historical evolution of the concept of the curriculum has gone through three basic stages: concept of intellectualism course, curriculum view of empiricism, criticism curriculum concept. Can be seen from its historical evolution and the curriculum concept steering essentially points to the development of the students, for plete its full life. Proceed from the history curriculum concept elegant, this paper attempts to establish a student development purport, open and generate curriculum view towards life, and from the course objectives, course content (resources), learning activities and curriculum evaluation four aspects specifically addressed.

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Key words course view; course objectives

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