【摘 要 】救生舱作为井下紧急避难场所,对舱内温湿度的监测和控制,可以延长被困矿工的生存时间.基于对救生舱系统温湿度监测的重要性和SHT75具有测量精度高、体积小等优点,设计了一款基于SHT75的温湿度检测系统,并对SHT75的温湿度检测数值进行补偿计算,保证了救生舱内温湿度检测的准确性.
【关 键 词 】救生舱;温湿度;SHT75
Abstract:Rescue capsule as underground emergency shelter for the cabin temperature and humidity monitoring and control,you can extend the survival time of the trapped miners.Systems based on the importance of rescue capsule and SHT75 temperature and humidity monitoring with high accuracy,small size,etc.,designed a SHT75 temperature and humidity detection system is based,and temperature and humidity testing SHT75 pensate calculated values to ensure that the rescue capsule temperature and humidity testing.
Keywords:Rescue capsule;Temperature and humidity;SHT75
有关论文范文主题研究: | 关于温湿度的论文范文集 | 大学生适用: | 函授论文、在职论文 |
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