后台-系统-系统设置-扩展变量-(内容页告位1-手机版) |
摘 要
而造成我国房地产营销发展惨淡的原因有多种情况,其中最重要的就是前段时间的炒房热,然后就是在房地产经营中的潜在的巨大风险。人人只看到了其巨大的利润,但是隐藏在利润之下的,犹如冰山般存在的潜在风险是最让人害怕的,并且一旦发生就会造成不可挽回的局面。但是这些情况都是可以改变的。因此如何改变以及改变的详细方式将会是本篇论文的重点内容。不仅如此,还将通过对 XX 公司的事例的描述进行实际分析,让理论变得更加完善并且变得切实可行。在整个经营模式中,评论成败的重要标准就是房地产营销模式的好坏和其销售的质量。在现在这种销售情况每日愈下的环境,如何改善房地产营销让盈利恢复如初已经是每个房地产开发商考虑的重要的问题。好的方面来讲,我国正是因为如此萧条形势的出现,才会有了相关房地产营销中介的崛起。同时我们可以从这些专业的营销人员身上发现其可以借鉴的许多地方。这使得以前房地产作为畅销品牌的销售网点的一点难求到如今的遍地都是,人们这期间想了很多方法来改变这一现状。有关人员指出,要想改善营销方法,首要的就是从顾客身上入手,只有顾客满意之后才能推动整个行业的促销模式的前进发展。因此,现在的房地产销售不仅仅是销售出房子那么简单,同时还要满足顾客对于各种后续服务性要求的需求。而这一观点的提出让很多人茅塞顿开,这一观点仿佛一个指明灯一般,让想要改变房地产营销现状的生产商以及相关人员们纷纷朝着这个目标进行努力,因此,房地产的营销模式开始慢慢的变化,潜移默化当中,房地产营销的功能也随之发生了变化。这种变化带动了房地产营销的发展,同时也让营销行业变得更加完善。房地产营销模式的变化让房地产的销售的项目开始丰富起来,这在一定程度上也扩大了房地产的利润空间。
Since the reform and opening, people began to the pursuit of life is not confinedto food and clothing, but began to the pursuit of artistic life. Therefore, variousindustries began to pursue the development of higher quality merchandise. As peopleliving necessities of house, also started the revolutionary road. The real estateindustry development up to now, has experienced the baptism of several times, andsteady development at the same time, let the real estate industry has become theindispensable one in the national economy. A “real estate hot” at the beginning of thecentury is to let the real estate industry reached an unprecedented height. Also fromthe steady development of the usual suddenly turned into a “beacon” people rushed tobuy. House prices is a go up and up. But after the fever, and as a few years ago thehype and some professional comments, as well as high prices, let the people no longereasily taken to buy a house there. Therefore, the real estate industry has experienced:
in just a few short years time the seller market, buyers' market, sellers markettransformation. And the government recently introduced relevant policies, make a lotof real estate industry. But “wall under YongFu will” some real estate developersaware of their goods are not be snapping up the products, so we focus on themarketing side again. But because of the legacy, do not know how to do a boss havemarketing, according to this argument, to analyze real estate sales status as thebreakthrough point, to analyze the marketing strategy of real estate industry andbetter marketing plan. Through further analysis of the whole financial market.
Industry in our country's economy can see obviously that origin production industrythe most profit space slightly huge an industry has become the indispensable one kindof form in the middle of the economic development. A “real estate hot” at thebeginning of the century is to let the real estate industry reached an unprecedentedheight. Also from the steady development of the usual suddenly turned into a“beacon” people rushed to buy. House prices is a go up and up. How to let the realestate marketing fast, therefore, is how to improve our country's economy to rise. Bycomparing the domestic and foreign economic development needs, and a variety ofdata show that we can intuitive observation, compared to foreign enterprises ofvarious economic development in China is far behind the foreign countries. But inour country. The basic national conditions, and the future development of route tofollow the one center, two basic points of economic development is also included.
Enough to show the huge demand for economic development. Plus in the face of thefirst premier deng xiaoping put forward the reform of the system is hope can live awell-off society in China, A “real estate hot” at the beginning of the century is to letthe real estate industry reached an unprecedented height. Also from the steadydevelopment of the usual suddenly turned into a “beacon” people rushed to buy.
House prices is a go up and up. including people's wish is also hope that life is gettingbetter and better, and these are the basis of the good development of economy.
Therefore, in the face of such a depression important pillar in the economic market ofour country: the real estate industry, its poor management has attracted the attentionof all walks of life. We don't want to analyze the improvement, also need furtheranalysis from the result, conditional word through the data to predict the future of thedevelopment of the situation. If we can through the change which affects a change ordrive the whole economic market will be more perfect.
A “real estate hot” at the beginning of the century is to let the real estate industryreached an unprecedented height. Also from the steady development of the usualsuddenly turned into a “beacon” people rushed to buy. House prices is a go up and up.
And there are many causes of the development of China's real estate marketing is pale,is just one of the most important sell hot, and then there is the potential risks in realestate business. People only see the huge profits, but hidden under the profits, like aniceberg there the location of the risk is the most scary and event will cause the risk ofirreparable situation. But these things can be changed. So how to change, and changethe way will be the main content of this paper in detail. Not only that, but alsodescribed through the example of XX company's actual analysis, make theorybecome more perfect and feasible. In the whole business model, comment on thesuccess or failure of important standard is the stand or fall of real estate marketingmodel and the quality of its sales. In the current sales situation daily to theenvironment, how to improve the real estate marketing make profit to bounce back iseach real estate developers consider important question. A “real estate hot” at thebeginning of the century is to let the real estate industry reached an unprecedentedheight. Also from the steady development of the usual suddenly turned into a“beacon” people rushed to buy. House prices is a go up and up. Good ways, it is sucha form of depression in our country will have the relevant the rise of real estatemarketing intermediary. At the same time, we can be found from these professionalmarketers can draw lessons from many places. Before making the real estate as thebest-selling brand sales outlets everywhere is a little hard to get to now, people withthis build during want to a lot of ways to change the status quo. Officials pointed outthat to improve the marketing method, the first is from the customer, only after thecustomer satisfaction can promote the industry as a whole the promotion ofprogressive development pattern. Now, therefore, real estate sales is not only a salesoffice house so simple, at the same time also to meet customer demand for all kindsof follow-up service requirements. And this view is put forward to let many peopleimmediately bliss, the idea just like a guiding light, want to change the presentsituation of real estate marketing manufacturers and related researchers have effortstowards that goal, therefore, the change of the real estate marketing model began toslowly, gradually, the function of the real estate marketing has been changed. Thischange led to the development of the real estate marketing, at the same time also letmarketing industry is becoming more perfect. The change of the real estate marketingmodel for real estate sales program began to rich, this also expanded to some extentreal estate profits space. But despite made so many changes, the status quo of China'sreal estate marketing or unsatisfactory, there are still a large number of idle there is nomarket for goods, and real estate, though has huge capital in investment, but it mostlyindividuals. The real estate industry is different from that of other industriesmarketing model is the decision. Other basic goods are to be carried out by multipleenterprise cooperation, but the risk by the average allocation determines themarketing strategies of the commodity. In the real estate industry, therefore, almost allof the risk is on the one hand, or both, the risk coefficient is too bigger for the cost ofreal estate straight up. And high costs tend to be caused by the high price, so the realestate commodity direct selling another important reason is the price is too high,people can't afford to consumption. So, strengthen the management of real estateenterprises in a project is also a good way to indirectly change the marketing model.
Today's real estate enterprises, facing the strength is not strong peer constantly fallsituation, change the marketing becomes more and more important, need to seize theopportunity, use of favorable conditions, the rapid development of real estatemarketing environment.
Key words:
real estate, marketing, management,Cost management, marketing management,management solution

后台-系统-系统设置-扩展变量-(内容页告位2-手机版) |
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