【摘 要】管理系统是流程和程序的框架,以确保组织能够实现其目标所需要的各项任务.例如环境管理体系,通过不断完善的过程,使企业能够改善其环境表现.简单化“计划,执行,检查,行动”.一个更完整的系统将包括问责(个人责任分配)和活动的时间表来完成的,审计工具,以及落实整改行动,除了预定的活动,创造螺旋上升的持续改进.但也有与这个系统的一个向下螺旋.有很多迹象表明,有一些组织中的错误,这可能导致一场危机.当顶级经理人开始购买昂贵的玩具,并发放巨额奖金,而不是对公司的真正的目标和策略,我们知道的东西是不正确的工作.在顶层管理的变化可能不是最好的选择或解决方案时,该公司处于危险之中.公司拥有非常努力地工作,以维持客户满意度和产品的多样化,但不启动新产品的覆盖范围和传统的公司.通过这种方式,该公司将避免陷入他们想解决的问题.
【关 键 词 】管理;组织;发展
【Abstract】 A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an anization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives. For instance, an environmental management system enables anizations to improve their environmental performance through a process of continuous improvement. An oversimplification is "Plan, Do, Check, Act". A more plete system would include accountability (an assignment of personal responsibility) and a schedule for activities to be pleted, as well as auditing tools to implement corrective actions in addition to scheduled activities, creating an upward spiral of continuous improvement. But there is also a downward spiral to this system. There are many signs that suggest that there is something wrong in an anization and this may lead to a crisis. When top level managers’ start buying expensive toys and handing out large bonuses instead of working on the pany’s real goals and strategies we know that something is not right. Changes in top level management might not the best option or solution when the pany is at risk. Companies have to work very hard to maintain customer satisfaction and product diversification but not to start new products that are out of the reach and traditions of the pany. This way the pany will avoid running into problems they thought as solved.
【Key Words】Management; anization;development
The shortest definition of a financial crisis is lack of money. Whether it will be our money, our client’s money or our supplier’s money. But we will take a look at this issue some other time. Now let’s look at the symptoms that lead to a crisis situation in an anization. Peculiarly these symptoms were recognized after a special research was made by the, “Guess who?” the American Banking Association. Oddly enough we ask the question why these guys aren’t reading what they paid for.
Here we will look at the “Concerning symptoms in the management system”.
1.Remarkable changes in the behavior, routine and way of life of key pany personnel. It is just like marriage. I read it in a ladies magazine under the title “It he cheating on you?” The key word here is remarkable. In some situation it can be interpreted like a change of behavior. New and expensive clothes, cars, yachts, business trips abroad, ever so expensive hotels and so forth. This is a direct quote from the author of this enquiry. I am nor making this up. And something very curious, pay close attention to changes in attitude of the family members of the key staff. This will give you ever more accurate information.
2.Inability of key senior management staff to formulate clear goals and overall pany strategy.
This is due to the fact that senior management doesn’t have the required management experience and training. It is possible that there is a strategy and overall mission written somewhere but placed in a drawer somewhere which means that it is inexistent in practice.
3.Family and marital problems of key figures.
Let’s not dig to deep, its all clear. Interestingly thought these problems are equally relevant regardless of the size of the pany. The conclusion ion this case is that family types should not run large corporations. They have proven that they make very bad decisions.
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4.Lowering the client

I did not understand it at first so let me explain. It is all about an evident change in the behavior of our most precious clients and/or the biggest group of loyal clients. Not only are they buying less from us but they are not attending pany events, they are not present at pany presentations and are not attending product promotions. A clear indication of such actions among our clients is when they intentionally avoid contacts with us.
5.Changes in top level management of the pany.
An abrupt change always creates problems, conflicts and tensions among the staff. The key word here is rejection, but because I am not able to find a practical example I will stop here.
6.Changes in the structure of the key specialist.
Many times we have mented on this problem and we will do it again. Every anization is supported by 10-15% of its personnel. This is the key workforce in an anization. These are the people than we need to protect and cherish. We all know bout the “butterfly effect” that waved its wings over Europe and caused a typhoon in the Philippines. The key figures are the chaos butterflies but with enormous wings.
7.Return of problems we thought as solved.
有关论文范文主题研究: | 关于管理系统的论文范文素材 | 大学生适用: | 专科论文、高校毕业论文 |
相关参考文献下载数量: | 33 | 写作解决问题: | 怎么撰写 |
毕业论文开题报告: | 论文提纲、论文选题 | 职称论文适用: | 期刊目录、初级职称 |
所属大学生专业类别: | 怎么撰写 | 论文题目推荐度: | 经典题目 |
Here is a very interesting and practically useful obsession. Here is something very interesting and practically useful. Read it again and think about it. You are smart; since you made all the way to point 7 you can understand the meaning.
8.Sharp and unexpected attempts to start a new business.
We all what to try something new, especially if it looks lucrative, profitable, prestigious and interesting. And most certainly when we know nothing about it. Be aware of key phrases such as: “We are a flexible pany and we are always looking for new opportunities”.
Let us stop here at the Chinese favorite number, eight. It brigs luck, prevents infinity and it definitely looks like a worm with an mixed up identity.
[1] Paulina Mihailova, Sell without owning, http://.capital.bg/biznes/kompanii/2013/04/12/2040513_prodavai_bez_da_pritejavash/, 2013,(4)
经济危机 论文
管理 心理