
时间:2020-07-06 作者:admin


摘 要:亨利•,汉德尔•,理查森是澳大利亚一位出色的小说家.其创作特色既游离于澳大利亚的文学传统之外,又丰富了澳大利亚文学.在此以其代表作《理查德•,马奥尼的命运》(第二部第一部分第七章)为例,试从人物塑造、心理刻画、细节描写以及独特的语言表达方式这几个方面来解析理查森小说的艺术特色.

关 键 词 :理查森《理查德•,马奥尼的命运》艺术特色


On Artistic Features in Richardson’s Works

――A Case Study of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony


(Hefei Normal UniversityAnhui•,Hefei230061)

Abstract:Henry Handel Richardson is an exceptional writer in Australian literature. Her artistic features make her away from the Australian literary tradition and also enrich Australian literature. Here, taking her representative―The Fortunes of Richard Mahony (chapter 7 of the first part in the second book)―for an example, this paper analyzes the artistic features in Richardson’s works from the following aspects, including characterization, psychological exploration, detailed description and distinctive style of expression.

Key words:Richardson, The Fortunes of Richard Mahony, Artistic features

Richardson is an exceptional writer in Australian literature. The very fact that she spends all her life in the overseas after the age of seventeen makes her away from the Australian literary tradition and naturally shows her distinctive from the other writers of her time. In her works, there are several remarkable features. As far as the selected chapter (Chapter 7) is concerned, we can see some particular features, including fresh characterization, deep psychological exploration, and detailed description and so on.

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有关论文范文主题研究: 关于特色的文章 大学生适用: 硕士论文、研究生论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 92 写作解决问题: 怎么撰写
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文总结 职称论文适用: 技师论文、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 怎么撰写 论文题目推荐度: 经典题目

As for characterization, Richardson has her originality. In the selection, the protagonist Mahony’s character sharply contrasts with his wife Mary’s. And the author reveals their personalities with their reactions to what happens to them. For instance, when hearing that they aren’t indeed invited to the “Court”, Mahony bursts out: “You (Mary) will never, with my consent, set foot in that house again!” ①146 From these words, it’s obvious that he is irritable, easily-agitated, peppery and domineering. Facing agony and loses, he could do nothing but getting angry, which exhibits the weakness of human. However, pared with him, Mary displays her understanding and fiving personality in everywhere. On knowing Mahony is reluctant to treat the younger son of his “enemy”, Mary persuades him: “Dear, don’t you think you could manage to overlook what’s happened等not stand on etiquette” ①149 Here, Mary’s reaction reflects that she bees stronger and more mature in adversity. Through strong contrast, two pletely different characters are vividly presented in front of us. Another, we can observe that protagonists are also the round characters, whose personalities are plex and developmental. For example, Mahony, in the condition of restlessness, bees changeful and unfathomable. Especially when he finally agrees to treat the patient, his mind was actually in the intense struggle. Although his personality flaw contributes to his failure, it’s difficult for us to define him as a bad person,because the round characters have their own thoughts and bottled-up pains. They are far from the routinized flat characters that are boring to readers. So, Richardson’s characterization always leaves us impressive.

该文来源 http://www.sxsky.net/yishu/dy/407808.html

Apart from fresh characterization, the author’s depth of psychological exploration greatly enriches Australian literature. The traditional Australian writers pay more attention to the outside world or the national peculiarity. However, Richardson is concerned about characters’ spiritual lives, and also good at probing into their inner world through their thoughts. She often employs the technique of inner monologue to effect her exploration. Moreover, the character’s monologue sometimes mixes with author’s narration. Take the following passage for an example. “And time did not lessen his resentment. Rudeness to Mary―such a thing had never before e within the range of his experience―stung him, he found, almost more than rudeness to himself. But was the thrust not actually aimed at him等through her What had the object of it been but to drive home to him the galling fact that, on this side of the world, the medical profession carried with it no standing whatever” ①147 From the passage, it can be seen that there is really a mixture, shifting from narration to mental activities. And the boundary between both of them is not very clear. Evidently, the first sentence is the narration, but the rest ones are hard to divide. In addition, when Mahony is asking himself inside, there suddenly es a sentence “Oh, those striped poles!” ①147 This indicates that his mind jumps from one subject to another without transitionary words, which seems like the “stream of consciousness” used by modernism. Thus, we can say Richardson had early mastered some modernistic techniques.

Another feature in her writings is the detailed description. At the beginning of the selection, an unfortable picture unfolds before us. These words, like “mist”, “rain”, “smoke” and “grey water”, give readers damp and dark feelings. Meanwhile, the protagonist also senses that even the weather is against him too, because Austria had sunny days. Next, there is an important sentence: “These eternal sea fogs, which never a puff of wind came to chase away, seemed literally to bury you alive.” ①144 It exactly foreshadows the future life of the couple in their motherland. So, the descriptions for environment not only take the dampening effects, but also drop a hint what will happen. What’s more, through the detailed description, the author can effectively set up the atmosphere as well. After Mahony gives the treatment and then goes back home, Richardson depicts his actions like this: “But Richard could not contain himself, and as he moved about the bedroom, winding up his watch and letting his collar fly, he burst out等”①149-150 These details highlight the importance of things. An

d the series of quick actions reveals that Mahony is unpleasant to the treatment and he may feel wronged by somebody. Then, the atmosphere bees tense here, which makes readers hold breathes to see what happened. All these effects are attributed to Richardson’s detailed description. However, some critics think that she attaches much more importance to it so that her writings are lacking of creativeness and limit readers’ imagination. Anyway, we can have a better taste of her works through the details.

Besides the three remarkable features, Richardson’s talent is represented in the expressive language at the same time. In the selected chapter, the appellation―“new doctor’s wife” ①145 ―appears many times. As well known, it refers to Mary. But why is she called by others in the motherland like that, rather than called Mrs. Mahony Obviously, she and her husband couldn’t be accepted by the local people. And this disrespectful appellation just demonstrates that the Mahonys are unpopular and excluded by others. Only three words express rich information. From that, we can see the power of her language. Furthermore, the author creatively applies free-direct speech. “The elder of two Challoner boys had, it se

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